Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Comment Card Mistake Number 3

In case you have not figured it out comment cards to me are a real waste of time, energy and money.

I think it's important to share that I'm a huge fan of customer feedback and of actionable information.  The challenges with comment cards is the don't provide accurate feedback or actionable information.

Here is reason the that comment cards are a mistake...bias!

When comment cards are handed out bias is introduced!

If you are a server and you have a table that has had a horrible experience will you give them a comment card?  If you do will you share what they have written with your boss?

I worked in bar when I was in college and you would have waitresses come back and complain about the terrible tables.  I'm not sure if the table was terrible or the waitress created a terrible experience with their attitude.

Either way are they going to ask for honest feedback from that guest?

I doubt it!

I also doubt that if the guest did provide the manager would have ever seen it.  Most likely it would have found it's way to the trash with the rest of the paper items on the table.

I'm not faulting the servers I'm only pointing out that bias happens.

When you use a system that makes it easy for bias to happen it will.  And if I know that my feedback survey tool has bias how much value can it have?  Probably not much more than talking with some customers each day.  FYI - Customers lie because they don't want to hurt your feelings or get people in trouble.

So as far as I'm concerned this is the third strike against comment cards!  Notice I want customer feedback and customer surveys but they need to be done right so they have value.

I'll share one more mistake tomorrow.

Transforming the way customers share feedback and organizations use it!

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